Saturday, September 22, 2007

David D @ 6 1/2 months

David sits quite well now by himself. He loves his toys, especially ones with dials that move! ...a true boy!! He always has a ready smile...especially for his Grandma when we play together on Wednesdays. We have practiced saying "MaMa, DaDa, and Grandma,Grandpa". He has been heard to say MaMa and this past Wednesday I heard him say, "UmMa" when he wanted me. Can that be his way of saying, "Grandma" for now? Kari doesn't think so but this grandma thinks so!! I'm so glad to have a part in his life. I love to sing him to his naps...Jesus loves me, Trust and Obey, Oh How I love Jesus, Only a Boy named David, etc. We enjoy our times spent together! It's amazing how much he has learned these past 6 1/2 months.
Everything seems to need a taste but he is learning books need to be read and looked at and not eaten! This is a book filled with family photos so we can teach him to remember us all! I'm glad he likes books.

Last evening David D found Grandpa's shoelace. It sure was fun to pull that string! Grandpa had him "crawling" a long ways towards different toys. Actually David has figured he can use his left arm to pull himself along and then reach with his right hand for the toy he wants. He soon will be crawling everywhere! Watch out world! (This grandma has to child proof her home better than what it is now.)


Jim and Marilyn said...

Wow! I can't believe how much he's grown and now looks like such a little boy. What a cutie! Looks like grandma's house has plenty of entertainment to keep that little boy occupied!

doug&margarethe said...

A coworker has a grandson about a year older than David D. She keeps lending me several expensive toys/'walker'-like toys, car seat,etc. It has been very nice to use and then return to her as these "toys" take up space in one's house!!...Margarethe

Candis Berge said...

I was looking for an update! He sure has grown! Isn't it fun to be a grandma? yup, sure is.