Sunday, July 13, 2008

2008-07-12 Some recent David videos...

When Doug was picking up fallen branches in our yard before mowing the grass,
David wanted to "help" his stick at a time!....

We were relaxing on the water in the pool this time but
David loves all the designs in the pool anyway..
He wanted his Mommie in the pool with him

David stomping over pool's edge from Margarethe Swanson on Vimeo.
David really does like blueberries. He doesn't quite get the
spoon holding the food to his mouth yet..

He does this at his house but our high chair buckle is harder.


Jim and Marilyn said...

such fun videos! It is even more fun to see the pictures and clips now that we've met David. He is such a busy little boy! Our love to all of you, we miss you!

Kari, RN said...

Thanks for posting all of these for me, Mom! I can't wait to see him again soon in person!

Jamie and Krista said...

So cute! It's fun to see his personality thru the videos!

Kari, RN said...

I know I'll see David and the rest of you real soon, but I've been checking each day for any new videos or pictures. Got any? :)

Anything you have would be great!