Monday, April 21, 2008

Celebrating Aunt Dorothy Gilbertson's 87th birthday

Happy 87th birthday, Aunt Dorothy!
Her birthday was April 15 but we celebrated on the 19th with many family and friends.
Her family presented a program at 2:30pm with many
musical numbers (and jokes by great-grand children).
Aunt Dorothy and her children: Lt to rt-Sue, Dennis, Mary, & Jim with grandson-Mark Elworthy and nephew-Doug S behind them holding this beautiful quilt her mother had started many years ago, then D. had added squares to make it a twin size and now Mary had made it to be a double-bed size. (Sorry 2 photos of same came up. I don't know how to delete that mistake in the midst of composing a blog without deleting everthing.)
Same photo!!
Mary & Dorothy showing me some squares with special memories.

After the wonderful program Aunt Dorothy's family presented to her ,
we visited her room-apartment down the hall. She was an accomplished organist and pianist and had given lessons to many students over the years. I asked if she would honor us with a special number on her piano. She obliged by playing a piece written by Durand I believe.

Listen to the video to a portion of what she played.
Very well done!


Kari, RN said...

I'm so glad you got to celebrate with Aunt Dorothy, and it was fun to hear her beautiful piano-playing again!

Jim and Marilyn said...

What beautiful piano playing! Wonder what we will sound like when we are in our 80's???

Anonymous said...

Mother will be stunned to know she is on the world wide web for anyone to view. I will have to try to put her on my school website so students can see and hear where my piano playing ability came from.

Check out my school website at: