Monday, June 11, 2007

To see about our activities this past weekend go to Kari's blog. There's photos too. Actually she used some of my photos! Busy and fun weekend.

Today I took care of baby David. We had a great time! Our weather got hot very fast today so we all had to adjust! Glad for AC. Early afternoon I took him home to his Dad and on my way my muffler broke! I sounded like a real 'hot rod' Honda Civic! Glad 'daddy'David was there as he was able to tie it up so I could get to the repair shop. It was hot! Not really how I wanted my paycheck $$ to go!!! but a car is a necessity. Glad they were able to fix it as I go to work in the am.

When taking care of baby David today we practiced going from his tummy to his back. Julie just called to say he went from his tummy to his back tonight on his own!! Yeah! He is learning so much so fast! I love his smiles and 'talking'.

Another time I will post photos again...


Jim and Marilyn said...

Too bad about the muffler! I would have loved to hear you coming down the road! And also to see you teaching David D how to roll over...did you practice together?

doug&margarethe said...

Since David D. doesn't seem to like tummy time he had to learn the position to roll with his arms at his side. I didn't practice that!--he did! Sometime in the future maybe we will have to practice the moves together like we did on your folks living room floor at the farm, Marilyn!!!

Brooke said...

I can't believe how big David D. is getting!! What a cutie! I sounds like you had a great time in Fergus - lots of work (& fun)!