Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My brother's 60th birthday--May 24th

Jim at 4 months

Jim in one of his many go-carts he has created
The handsome son!

Jim on his wedding day in June, 1972


The big 60 !!

Happy Birthday


clwrat said...

happy birthday Jim! you don't look a day over... love Rebekah

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jim. I'm thinking of you. Yes, you and all your cars/go carts. I remember in order to get a ride we'd have to push first. Good job with the old photos Margarethe. Love, Penny

Jim and Marilyn said...

Happy Birthday Jim! You are certainly Margarethe's most handsome brother!

Anonymous said...

Way to go to the "archives" Margarethe!! Great pictures!! We did have a lot of fun as kids!! It won't be long before the rest of us are 60!!
June B.