Tuesday, February 20, 2007

February 20, 2007

Doug has been building new cabinets for his workshop. The cabinet doors are in the making.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Doug, great work! Looks like a lot of cleaning and organizing has gone on since I last walked into the garage!

Kari, RN said...

Wow, Dad, that looks great! I'll be there on Friday to see it in person, so you can show me all of what you've done!

Jim and Marilyn said...

Wow! organization plus! the work looks so professional. Good job! Wish we could see it in person...

M and B said...

Are you taking up woodworking as a hobby?

Anonymous said...

Since end of August Doug has had "extra" time so this is a great stress reliever and fun. Only thing he still claims there isn't enough time to be in his garage doing his hobby! He hopes to soon have the doors done.