Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2009-5/24 & 6/1: Enjoying the Grandson!

We had been with these special people Friday until Sunday pm on Memorial weekend (it was my 40th HLA class reunion held at IPBC where we had enjoyed an incredible reunion). As we neared home both of needed a G-son fix so we stopped to see the family.
35 out of a class of 61 returned for all or part of the weekend gathering! I am blest to be a part of this class. (I'll try and post another blog post of some of our shared time together...)
G-ma was able to go on a "tryke" walk with David. This tryke has a rear handle where I am in control of where we go so when he wasn't peddling we still went some where! Never too early to get accustomed to wearing a helmet when riding a bike
who can resist this smile?!

After returning from the walk it was snack time

(sorry this posted twice but I do love this pose!)

a family picnic supper of taco salad

Then yesterday after work I was to care for David while his parents got several chores done..
This little guy was "helping" plus he was muddy from playing outside

His arms behind him..what next??
"OK, I'll look at you, G-Ma..."
Helping Dad who just finished tilling and planting some in the garden
"OK, I get to water the new plants"
G-ma had to take off these shoes afterwards to remove all the mud from them!
special care


Anonymous said...

How precious. I love the one of him sitting at the table. Oh so fun. You are blessed. Love, Penny

Jim and Marilyn said...

What a wonderful time you can enjoy with classmates and grandson! time goes by so fast...